Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Great Treasure Hunt

ARRRRR! MATIES! Here thar be a treasure map, skillfully created by the greatest cartographer this side o' this here blog, Cap'm Peg-leg Dick hisself!

This design serves a dual purpose - being the front and back covers of this week's bulletin at Word Alive as well as the outline for the sermon. This was also a last minute design and I really like how it came out, all things considered.

As always, most of my designs are posted on iStock, capable of being rated. Go to and sign up for a free account - then visit my profile at and rate my designs. It doesn't really gain me anything but smug self-confidence, but what can I say, I'm a shallow person.


Andrew said...

Arrrr! Neat design, me matey! Gotta love some piratey treasure goodness. Did most of the map itself (as far as all of it's little icons and topography and stuff) preexisted in the stock image, or did you have to piece together the lot of it yourself?

DICK! said...

No, the map/icons were completely separate... I had to arrange them for my own nefarious purposes. Of course, you could see what I used if you had ever looked at my stuff on iStock. They show all images used in the formation, but you wouldn't know, not being a loyal friend and all.