Sunday, April 29, 2007

Youth Leader Insert

During my week long bout with Kidney stones, somewhere in my drug inhibited work life I found the motivation to design an insert for the youth. I enjoyed designing this, although I wish I had the time to redesign the WAY logo as it is now very old. I was insanely inspired to create after NAB this year, but I feel that this round with kidney stones has been a bit of a buzz killer... I have some projects lined up this week to spur my creativity some and I hope to be back with some more designs soon enough!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Look and Live Redux

As Easter once again resurfaces from the belly of the Earth this year, I was reminded how much I worked on last year's Easter Design entitled Look and Live. I worked a lot of magic on that snake and I worked so long on it that I never got the text right. I reworked the text recently to more accurately fit the design. Check out the old and let me know if the new is better.