Sunday, July 30, 2006

New Audio Bio Posted

There's finally a new audio bio post! Crazy, I know! Check it. Here's the trix rabbit for fun.

It's been a while, again.

Well, things have been busy on the White front. I haven't had the time to post a lot in the last few weeks, and the posts I have made have been designs or somesuch. I'm hoping to start posting reviews and everything again, as several people have approached me saying they've been reading my blog. How embarrassing with me not posting - and more so that the posts I've made are full of sweet sweet grammatic errors. Please accept my apologies. Maybe I'll have another video to post next week... until then...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Okay! Here's the newest deisgn I've done for the mothership, Word Alive for the next series coming up in August. The series is on vision, and I must admit, I originally started designing this around an eyechart and glasses, which would have worked fairly well, until I starting thinking about the vision of Christianity as a whole be missions. This design uses a good deal of negative space, and is *mostly* approved for our theme in August. I'm still waiting to hear back about the Kingdom Life Cycle design. I fear that one will be... DENIED! I do, however think that this one will fly! What do you think?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Kingdom Life Cycle

Here's a design I did for a booklet by Bill Byrd called Kingdom Life Cycle. This book explains the fundamental process behind Kingdom growth: 1. Kingdom Birth, 2. Kingdom Life, 3. Kingdom Ministry. This green thumb cover symbolizes these three areas in the growth cycle of the tree. The smaller tree obviously symbolizes the Kingdom birth phase, proceeding respectively clockwise from there. The cycle element in the center is a favorite of mine, as the Kingdom birth arrow is red, symbolizing Christ's blood. I really enjoyed doing this cover, as it is a slight departure from my normal designs. This design has not been approved yet, but I give it the Richard White stamp of approval for my blog, so let me know what you think!

Kidz Alive Manual

Here's this quickie design I did for the manual for Kidz Alive Teachers. The cover as it was needed a little shot in the arm. We decided not to go too "kiddie" with it, because the manual is obviously for adults. This design was perhaps the most simple of my recent designs.

Generation Central/ Minister's Summit Design

I did this design for a blog/newsletter that goes out to our Generation Leaders at Word Alive. I like the simple design mixed with a bit of symbolism in there. Sometime the less complex designs come through fairly clear. I enjoyed doing this one, it was relatively easy on the creative side...