Thursday, July 13, 2006


Okay! Here's the newest deisgn I've done for the mothership, Word Alive for the next series coming up in August. The series is on vision, and I must admit, I originally started designing this around an eyechart and glasses, which would have worked fairly well, until I starting thinking about the vision of Christianity as a whole be missions. This design uses a good deal of negative space, and is *mostly* approved for our theme in August. I'm still waiting to hear back about the Kingdom Life Cycle design. I fear that one will be... DENIED! I do, however think that this one will fly! What do you think?


Andrew said...

I want some contacts like hers!

Looks good. I like the blurring of the word vision. Hope it gets all-the-way approved.

Anonymous said...

I love this one. It's cool.