Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Extravaganza 2006 Design

Here's the design for the 2006 Extravaganza at Word Alive coming up this Sunday. I went a bit retro with this one, and oddly it ended up completely different than it started. I am pleased, however, with the way this one turned out. It reminds a lot of folks of the "I Love The ..." series from VH1. Well here it is. Let me know what you think....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Time to post a few more designs! City JamFest

As I'm gearing down for the church's Sabbath month in July, I thought I would begin sharing a few other designs I've done for the church. I recently designed a logo for the first annual City JamFest, a brainchild of a local guy who wanted to have a battle of the bands and some big name Christian artists come in and play. I wanted to design a more rock 'n' roll look, so I went with the city and grunged out look a little. What do ya think?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Superman Returns

While in Chi-town, was able to view an advance screening of Superman Returns! 9 others from our church and myself watched the film 2 weeks before it opens and it was phenomenal! Best. Super. Hero. Movie. Ever. Without a doubt. Everyone should go see it. Here's a trailer!

Click Here to put this Superman Returns clip in your profile!

Back from Chicago

I've been away at a conference in Chicago, IL for a few days, but I am back now. I learned a lot of stuff and saw an almost perfect environment for my work at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington. Check them out at their website. I can't wait to begin using some of the valuable info i learned. Woo-Hooo!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Uh-Oh... Marriage!

Here's the infamous Uh-Oh... Marriage video from my friend Brian's Bachelor Party. This satirical look at marriage stems from Brian's comments to me. Whenever Jess and I would disagree about something, Brian would blurt out "Uh-Oh... Marriage!" So Andrew and I thought it would be appropriate to shoot a video about marriage. This one happens to be just about everyone's favorite, although it was a bit rushed in the making. We finished this spot on the Saturday morning before Brian's party. We had edited all night long until 5 am and the party started at 6 or so. If I had it to do over again I would make it a bit different, but it is funny as is.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Who is Jesus?

Here's one of the videos that kicked off our Parsnip Soup phase. I produced and edited this video for Brian Fife as a part of his comedy act, he would play this towards the end before going into a ministry time. This helped the crowds to come down off of a humor mentality into a more thoughtful time. It's about 3 years old now, and it shows its age, but the message remains clear. This video was also broadcast worldwide on the now extinct Running The Race Television Broadcast.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Parsnip Soup Opening

Here's a strange little piece of video, but it also happens to be one of my favorites. WAAAAAAAY Back in 2004, Andrew Willmore, Brian Fife, and I thought it would be a good idea to produce some videos for fun and post them out on the internet for people to enjoy. At the time, Brian was moonlighting as a Christian comedian and we had a great idea to put on show as a troup, using multimedia as our communication of choice. We had agood plan - we would open to this video, perform a live skit, show another video, and then Brian would have a 10-15 minute comedy set and then a message/ministry time deal. That was all well and good until I realized that I had a newborn daughter and the extra work of keeping up videos and a website was killing me. SOOOO, long story short, we have shelved the idea... for now. This is our cheesy sitcom style opening filmed on location in Birmingham and Oxford, AL. Let me know what you think of our madness!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Custom Blog Design

I'm in the middle of customizing my blog to fit my design, so you guys'll have to be patient as this is a time consuming process that I'm learning as I go. I don't know too much about Style Sheets, so I'm working on coding some of this. Let me know what you think as I progress! Thanks!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

YOUtube videos

Just a thought... If any of you guys ever check out these videos of mine and like them, click the video player after it is finished to go to YOUtube's corresponding page for said video. Sign up for a YOUtube account, if you haven't already (it's free) and rate my videos. I'm working on getting a more vast library of my work on YOUtube for fun. Thanks!

Easter Spot 2005

This spot is one of my favorites. Using paraphrased scripture and a little bit of an eerie "jewelry box" style tune, this text only spot was one of the easiest spots that I have ever made. It just goes to show you that big isn't always better. Enjoy.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Birmingham Civil Rights Museum

This video is from a WAIO News segment for Word Alive that we filmed in February for Black History Month. The Birmingham Civil Rights Museum is a fascinating place to visit, and it is extremely well designed. We enjoyed a walkthrough before we began filming and the displays and surrounding areas around the Museum are great historical landmarks. Hope you enjoy!

Celebrate Recovery 60 second spot

I finally posted my Celebrate Recovery Spot on YOUtube, which is probably going to be my preferred method of hosting my vids, since it is free. I know I mentioned this spot the other day as I posted about the Celebrate Recovery Brochures and I wanted everyone to see this one. Keep in mind that the real spot is in High Definition and looks MUCH sweeter than this highly compressed version. First I have to compress it, and then YOUtube compresses it even further. I'm not complaining, though. It is free, after all.

I did this spot as a last minute commercial for our Celebrate Recovery ministry at Word Alive. I wanted it to begin with some jarring imagery about the subjects that this ministry primarily deals with, but I also wanted a crescendo into a more Hope filled theme. I believe that this spot is one of my favorites to date, and this spot will air in the Northeast Alabama Area on Broadcast and Cable. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Do you remember?

Do you remember WAAAY Back on March 3 when I wrote an article about my bathroom leak? WELLLL, It looks like I'm finally going to be able to finish that project in the next couple of days. Yep. It has taken me 3 months to redo the smallest room in my house. Told you I suck at "man stuff". However, it is not completely my fault, and I'll leave it at that. It does look wicked sweet, though, and maybe I'll post some pictures when it is through. This has taken a beating on my pocket book and donations are being accepted now, if anyone isn't a cold-hearted jerk.
