Friday, March 03, 2006

Hokey Smokes

Not sure why life has to be so well choreographed.

Choreographed in a hellish, tormenting way.

I have just closed on a refinancing of my property and I get a leak in my bathroom. I have decided on fixing the problem myself, therefore adding hours of torment to my already jam packed schedule. I would hire someone to do all my dirty work for me, but I had to refi because I had no money. HOPEFULLY, I won't screw it up too badly. I've already torn up all the linoleum (blechh.) and now I am prepping to replace the flooring and then tile it.

Its not so much that i'm bothered by the work involved, its just that I'm not that much of a man, really. I sit at a computer all day long, making "pretty pictures and videos." I play video games and read comic books in my spare time. I'm not that good at "manly things." As a matter of fact, the only manly thing I'm good at is rooting for Crimson Tide Football. Everything else is pretty much sissified, and yes, that is a technical term.

SO. When you have some time today, send up a prayer to my little bathroom, that it may not be permanently scarred by my ill at ease man hands. Oy Vey.


Andrew said...

You would think after all these years of hanging around me, some manliness would have rubbed off on you by now. Go figure.

DICK! said...

LOL! One can dream...