Friday, March 03, 2006

There must be something wrong with me.

I've always read comics. Growing up I always preferred Marvel comics because they had the most characters that I could relate to. This week, however, and I believe this is the first time ever, I purchased more DC books than Marvel books. Here's the list:

Okay, so I counted them. DC wins 4 to 2. It seems that DC finally gets what makes a good story. I just wish Geoff Johns was as good on Green Lantern as he is on Infinte Crisis. Anybody who reads comics and is a DC fan enjoying the moreso than normal characterizations can thank one man.

Joe Quesada. I know! He works at Marvel, but when he taunted DC, they listened. They hired Dan Didio and started working on "Marvelizing" the DCU. Oh, you might not think that's what they are doing, but it is. Suddenly, characterization is important in most DC books (except anything with Hal Jordan in it), and that's not something DC fans are used to. I'm rooting for DC, and apparently I'm supporting them financially as well.

But, Marvel is still my favorite. For now.

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