Friday, March 24, 2006


Hey! You know, original music is really hard to come by. And by original I mean something that is not so original that it sucks, like some "out there" bands are. Enter Matisyahu, the Hasidic Jewish Reggae Hip Hop Rapper. Oh, yeah, that's a mouthful. He's getting so popular now that he's created his own sub genre. That's saying something! I've known about him since his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2004 and the subsequent video traversing the internet. Now, I haven't yet had the time to listen to all of his songs, but all the ones I have listened to are spectacular. He's not trying to be fake, he just combines 2 things that he loves, God and Reggae/Rap. I know that his beliefs differ from mine about Jesus, the Messiah, but his love for my God, Yahweh, the God of Israel, shines brightly through his songs. If you've never listened to any of his songs, go do so now! You owe it to yourself!


Andrew said...

I'll have to try to remember to look up something buy this guy. It's not everyday you hear a Jewish name that could almost pass for Japanese.

DICK! said...

He's very awesome...