Sunday, August 26, 2007

Awakening the generation that seeks God

What a title! Nothing like a long winded preacher-type title to make the design process difficult! ;) I ended up enjoying this design pretty well, even though it's just a flyer for a conference. Perhaps you'll see it and maybe you'll comment. But probably not.

Anointed to Finish

Here's a recent design for Word Alive. It's a series! Of Course. Thanks for looking, and thanks for commenting. See ya , bye.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


This may be my personal favorite of all of my images. 'Nuff Said.

The Seed Magnifies

Imagery for "The Seed Magnifies Your Future" as taught by Bill Byrd at Word Alive. I know what you're thinking... Where's all the shiny happy people that Christianity is supposed to reflect upon? Well, I don't know. I design the way the Lord shows me and I pretty much love the stuff I've been doing recently, so, hey, go figure, right? This is the idea I had in my head to design for this message, so when Heather Gagnon told me she had a dream that featured a design like this, I knew I had to do it. Yeah, it's dark. Sorry. This is the way of the world.

Apostolic Prayers

I know I'm not writing much in these descriptions, but let's face it, no one wants to hear my thoughts. They want to see the pretty pictures, so I'M GONNA BRING IT! This is a tentative cover for the book "Apostolic Prayers" by Bill Byrd. He thought it was great, so I consider it a success. Question is, what do YOU think?

Good Success

Temporary Cover for Good Success by our pastor, Kent Mattox. This book has been in the works for quite some time and I rather like this cover... I don't know if it'll fly, as it has a somewhat feminine flair to it. We'll see, but so far, I dig. You dig?

The Connection Card

Hey, hey, hey! Two in a day!

This card was a promotional card distributed through a mailing list and our congregation for investing in building the Connection Building here at Word Alive. This card was unique in that the smaller form insert card was attached to the front of of the card, which, when removed, also removed the puzzle piece revealing blueprints. it required a lot of manipulation, which, while nt perfect, I am still proud of. Whatchoo think?

Kingdom Connections Bulletins

April 29th was my last post???? Have I gone crazy???? I think so! Well, I'm finally going to post some of my more recent forays into the world of digital graphical illustrations. Niceness. This bulletin series ran from May to June at Word Alive and I enjoyed it. I designed several variations on it, but they all followed the same scheme so I just featured one on here. I actually was not personally fond of the puzzle piece design at first, but it ended up the most appropriate "fit" to the series. BWAAAA-HAHAHAHA! I've been gone too long! Come back people! Come back!