Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gold Fever Part 2!

Here's part 2 of Gold Fever, Word Alive's silent film sensation! Eh, who am I kidding? I'm really the only one that likes it. But, here it is in it's monochromatic glory. Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gold Fever!

This is a silent film style video we did as a promotional for Word Alive. There's a gold drive for Word Alive Members going on to help build the Connection Building and we produced this video as a way to keep it in front of people. Hope you like.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Great Treasure Hunt

ARRRRR! MATIES! Here thar be a treasure map, skillfully created by the greatest cartographer this side o' this here blog, Cap'm Peg-leg Dick hisself!

This design serves a dual purpose - being the front and back covers of this week's bulletin at Word Alive as well as the outline for the sermon. This was also a last minute design and I really like how it came out, all things considered.

As always, most of my designs are posted on iStock, capable of being rated. Go to and sign up for a free account - then visit my profile at and rate my designs. It doesn't really gain me anything but smug self-confidence, but what can I say, I'm a shallow person.

Through the Bible in a Year

This is a design for a weekly insert/feature in the Bulletin of Word Alive International Outreach that will assist in reading the Bible through in a year. I like how this one turned out, as it was a last-minute thing. I searched for some time to find the right image to use, but when I finally found it, the insert almost designed itself. These are the types of projects I love...