Sunday, September 30, 2007

Awakening Conference Commercial

Here's a commercial I produced this week. Let me know if you like it. This conference/campmeeting is gonna be a week long uber event. Should be fun. I really like how this turned out.


Andrew said...

Nicely done! It almost looks like you know what you're doing. Nice touch that you selahed at the end.

DICK! said...

Yep. I'm a selaher.

Leah said...

hey, Richard, we just found your myspace &'re a hoot. Natural born talent...
We go to WAIO too and love you guys! Good work on the Awakening ad.
So you design book covers for people?
Leah White

DICK! said...

I have been known to design a book cover or two...

Anonymous said...

video too?

I like the beginning and ending
the middle part seems a bit dull
with the back and forth text.

but it's sometimes hard to spice up the content/body...right?

DICK! said...

That's true, Brian... It was a challenge. I see what you mean re: the titles there. Old habits die hard I guess. And video is actually my first profession, Graphic Design just may be my favorite, though...