Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Aerobird and My Blade CX

My buddy Charles took some pics of me with my Challenger and my blade last week and he e-mailed them to me today. Here are the ones with my ugly mug in them.

Of course, you'll notice that My Aerobird Challenger has no decals on it. That's because I've replaced every part on the thing so far, and I'm not so crazy about the design anyway. I've named it "The Thing" in honor the thing from the Fantastic Four. Hopefully I'll be able to make my own designs for this beaut (lol) soon which will mirror it's namesake. I was flying my CX with the training gear on in these pics (the little ping pong ball things), but I have since removed them. I'm getting better! My little heli also now looks more like the blue chopper in my previous post, but this is the original design. Hopefully there will be more to come!

BTW, yes, I look like a goofy idiot in the third picture, but if you know me, then you know that all too well...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Oh, dude, cool to see you're posting again, or at least have posted again. It's like your blog had previously been in a...HOLDING PATTERN...but now it's...FLYING HIGH...once more!