Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Devil Vs. Grouper

Here's another one of my favorite projects. We were promoting small groups (Life groups) at WAIO and the creative team went with the campaign "Be A Grouper" with a Fish Mascot (Hilarity should ensue, right?). One element we produced to push the Grouper Sign up was this little gem. This was a fun project, starring Daniel Starr, Jeffrey Freeman, Jonathan Tompkins and myself. Yes, it is intended to be cheesy, so I hope you like that kind of thing. The art for our Grouper Mascot and the Beginning Devil Vs. Grouper Slate is from Andrew Willmore. Check his site out by clicking the link above! If you enjoy this, please rate it at YouTube. Thanks!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Obviously I've already seen this one, but it's still good. Well done! It's awesome how you even got Vanilla Ice to be one of the Groupers. The opening artwork is also very snazzy.