Wednesday, May 31, 2006

They Might Be Giants Concert in Atlanta 5-3-06

Yeah, yeah! I know that the concert was a month ago. I'm trying to catch up! Which is why I'm going to write very little about the concert itslef, except that it was the best live performance that I have ever been to. If you'd like all of the geeky details, click here for my friend Andrew's insanely detailed review and pictures. I'll post a few of my own picture highlights here and tell you that I met and got a DVD cover signed by John Flansburgh.

This is just some cool grafitti that we saw in Atlanta on our way to the Variety Playhouse. This stuff takes real talent!
Michael Leviton and Leah Hayes, the openers. They earned a new fan in me that night.


John Linnell sings!

Flansburgh rips up the guitar!


Anonymous said...

How did you get such good pics at a concert???

Andrew said...

It's about flippin' time you wrote about this...even though it's basically just a link to what I wrote. It's alright. I know it's just because I did such an amazing job at what I wrote and all. Ah well...your pictures are good ones though, many of them better than my own. If I had copies of your pictures before I did my own post rather than after, I'd have probably put yours there too...but I was too lazy to go back and add them after the fact.

DICK! said...

Monica... 2 things... 1. I'm awesome. and 2. Front.Row.

DICK! said...

What more could be said about the concert after what you said? You relayed my thoughts exackerly. AND like you're one that could talk about not writing. or drawing.