Sunday, May 21, 2006

Vegas part 14 - Breakfast at 2 am part 2

Whew! Almost finished with this 3 week long Vegas series. Yikes! After we returned from all of our Thursday show, we decided to cruise around some of the casinos for a while and, after a full night of activities we finally came back to Circus Circus at, you guessed it, around 2 am - only this time it was local time. Yep, that's 4 am Alabama time. Josh, Jonathan and I decided to hit the Pink Pony again for a late night meal while Jeffrey Freeman went to the hotel room to sleep (the wuss). What a weird way to wrap up the trip, back where we started, and accustomed to our new time zone. We ended up talking a lot about our lives and sharing our histories with each other. You know, there is something special about being able to open up about your life to someone else... to share your individual triumphs and failures, your strengths and weaknesses. And there's something about doing it in Vegas, eating breakfast at 2 am that makes it an unforgettable bonding experience. Thanks for the good times, men.

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