Monday, May 01, 2006

Vegas part 1 Breakfast at 2 am

You know, it takes a long time to get to Vegas, even when you're flying, but especially when you are flying at night and on Southwest Airlines. I had fun on Southwest, as they make a lot of jokes and are generally more cheerful than other airlines, but there are no assigned seats so you usually end up beside a stranger (which makes a flight seem more lengthy). We flew out of Birmingham into Nashville and then on to Vegas. It is quite a sight to behold as you approach Vegas at night - its truly a spectacle. Descending on a sea of black illuminated by the bright lights of the strip. It was beautiful... for something man made. We landed at around 12 am Central time (10 pm pacific) and made our way to the airport shuttle where we waited... and waited... and waited. We stood outside of the airport for about 40 minutes before our shuttle came to pick us up. We thought it would be smooth sailing from there, but when we arrived at Circus Circus, there was a huge line of NAB Convention Nerds such as myself waiting to be checked in. I have never witnessed anything like it. We were in the check in line for about a half an hour and by the time we had checked in, walked to our rooms, unpacked and got situated, we were hungry. At this time it was about 1:45 Central, so we all set out to eat breakfast at the Pink Pony in Circus Circus. We arrived at about 2 am and got in line. Oh, Yes, there's a line at 12am local time to the restaurants. We were in line for about 30 more minutes before we were seated and then 30 MORE minutes were tacked on before we got our food, so a 2 am breakfast stretched into a 3 am breakfast, which led to a bedtime of around 4 am. Oh, yes there was good company and good conversation, but I wrote about this to show you one truth about Vegas - there may be fast living there, but the living definitely isn't fast. And this continued almost everywhere we went over the next 5 days. You don't really realize just how impatient you can get until you go to Vegas!


Andrew said...

"You don't really realize just how impatient you can get until you go to Vegas!"

...Or until you get stuck behind an old person in traffic.


Man. Crowds and waiting both suck. Glad there was plenty of good stuff there to balance them out!

DICK! said...

true... but even old people aren't as bad as Vegas!