Monday, April 10, 2006

Funny Scary Stuff Part Deux

Here lies Part 2 of my weird series showing off how "good" I was when I started doing this about 6 or 7 years ago. I loved doing this when I started. I wanted the skills badly enough and I did about a hundred online tutorials just to learn the tools in Photoshop. I've done a lot since then and, IMO, come along way, but I still only know a fraction of what the program offers. Aren't we all supposed to keep learning? This "design" makes me physically cringe, but it also gives me a great idea. If I ever have the time, I'm going to re-design all of my old designs to prove that the ideas were solid, it was just the execution that was lacking. (Don't hold your breath, however, I don't get much free time)

As a footnote, I should give my Pastors Kent and Beverly, along with our Administrator Josh a huge thank you. They gave me a shot and had confidence in me even after seeing this powerful art (read: horrible catastrophe), and I couldn't thank them enough for what they've done for me.


Andrew said...

This one isn't SO bad. And I saw a book cover today from another local source whom I shall not mention or slander publicly in your blog, but if you were to see the cover someone designed for their latest'd just feel so much better even about your old stuff. Their Photoshop stuff looked like they blindfolded a retarded monkey, mortally wounded it, and then forced it to design their book cover in its dying gasps. So even in the past, you still had merit compared to some people who actually have jobs today!

DICK! said...

You wouldn't say all that nice stuff if you could see the full rez of this hideous monster...

BTW wait 'til tomorrow when I post the most un-Eastery Resurrection Day Bulletin ever devised. I love it, and it took me hours to fix the snake. Expect a dissertation on its design.