Monday, April 03, 2006

MSN Dating & Personals - Do successful women have trouble dating?

MSN Dating & Personals - Do successful women have trouble dating?

When I opened my browser this morning, this graphic and article stared me in the face from I don't really have to read the article to know the trouble with dating successful women. You see, they attribute the lack of dates for successful women with quotes like "The traditional male role is to be the provider and protector. If a guy loses that, he may feel like he’s losing his pride" and "Many men do get intimidated by a woman who earns more or is more successful." Now, I have known a surprisingly good number of successful women in my life and I have found, without much exception, that 90% of them are just mean. I'm afraid that the problem does not really lie with the "secret insecurities" of men, but with the "real crabbiness" of successful women.

Now, this may seem like a generalization, but if you know any successful women that you haven't known since kindergarten, you know how much they expect people to go out of their way to please them. Like they're gonna leave something to me in their will. Ha! And of course I'll generalize. Surely MSN's generalization grants me the liberty to do the same. If they generalize that successful women can't get dates, then I can generalize as to why.

I also realize that, in some circles, to be successful as a woman requires one to be a bit more aggressive in their chosen field of labor. That, however, often carries over into their personal lives. It's not a wonder successful women, as a whole, can't get a date. Who wants to be treated like an employee during and after hours? Unless, of course, you're into that kind of thing. ;)


Andrew said...

You reason in your latest post, "Now, I have known a surprisingly good number of successful women in my life and I have found, without much exception, that 90% of them are just mean." So, in other words, you think that EVERY woman is successful? (Ha ha! I'm only kind of sort of vaguely kidding, of course). It actually kind of worries me to hear that "successful women have trouble dating" makes me afraid that maybe I'm actually a successful woman! That's very shocking news, of course, because nothing in my life exhibits the former and very little the latter. But it would at least explain why I have trouble successfully dating. I guess I need to stop being such a bitch.
--Au Jus

DICK! said...

Haha! Well said. My ruse was uncovered... giving you hints to more dateability. Hopefully you'll stop obsessing about your net worth long enough to love me... er... someone.

Jane said...

If you have reasoned that most successful women are bitches, is it also your deduction that most bitches are successful women? Alas, I say it is true. I have spent years honing my craft, almost 49 to be exact, and I say I have reached the best of bitchiness...SUCCESS!! =)
PS: I, however, always had plenty of dates. I deduct from that observation that men are gluttons for punishment!!

DICK! said...

Like I said, Aunt Jane, Some men just dig it ;)

Jane said... know this was Dick and Jane talking;)

DICK! said...

hahaha! Dick and Jane! We just need spot now...

Jane said...

Spot's up at the top by Andrew's name...hey, there's no Andrew in that reader.
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