Sunday, April 09, 2006

Kiki's Delivery Service REVIEW

Wow. It's been a long time since I posted anything. I've been somewhat busy, even on my days off. It's hard sometimes to manage a personal life, a job, and me time. BTW, this is my me time....

ANYWAY, Friday night I watched Kiki's Delivery Service thanks to the handsome and talented Andrew Willmore. As you know, I'm in somewhat of a Miyazaki kick, so I might as well watch all of his movies that I can, right? I really like some of Miyazaki's older stuff. It has an innocence to it that his later movies forego. Granted, I like his later films more than his earlier stuff as a rule because they happen to have a lot of depth to them. But Kiki's delivery service delivers on so many levels. The characterization is great, the progression works well, and, like all of the Studio Ghibli films, the animation is top notch.
This movie is, like My Neighbor Totoro, a great film for kids. It pure fantasy and the great thing about the films from Studio Ghibli is that they take fantasy seriously. The characters are never watered down for children, and the story still retains its appeal to children. While the story may not be a psychological thriller on any level, it is enjoyable to watch.

Well, according to my personal traditions, I must now rate this movie on the Richard White SCALES OF JUDGEMENT! Using a carefully designed rating chart and rules, along with a dash of lemon pepper, I have determined that Kiki's Delivery Service is a 7/10! This just happens to be my least favorite Myazaki film, and it is not bad, but compared to the others, its pretty low key. I highly reccommend it!


Andrew said...

Yay for Kiki and Jiji! I'm not sure where this one ranks out of Miyazaki's for me. I'm thinking I might rank it third following Spirited Away and Totoro. But who can really say, the stuff is so freakin' good.

DICK! said...

What About Howl's? Surely it deserves better than Kiki!

Andrew said...

I like Howl's but it may come after Kiki and Totoro for me. It may be that I've liked Kiki for a couple of years already, so it seems nearer to my heart than Howl's. Plus, even though I like the symbolism and "deepness" of the later more grown-up ones, something about his more kiddie ones appeal to me greatly.

Paige said...

I love this story! Miyazaki is amazing! I want to meet him! This is my second fav., I like Howl's Moving Castel, then Kiki's, Castel in the Sky, Spirited Away, then My Neighbor Totoro, it not that I don't like it it's just this one scence I don't care for too much... -_-

Anonymous said...

all of myazakis videows are awsome to the extreme, just in diferant ways. they only seemm better or worse, but really there just differant.....